Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gramma D Visits - 8 months old

Starting at 5 months Max grew 2 teeth a month and now has eight, four on the top and bottom.  He doesn't like to be spoon fed anymore as he prefers to feed himself.  He eats all types of berries, bananas, chicken, beef, ham, red peppers, onions, yogurt, bread, cheerios, beans and tons of cheese. I still spoon feed him iron fortified cereal and vegetables but we have to negotiate with him. We hand him a piece of cheese or fruit and while he's reaching for it we sneak the spoon in his mouth.

He attempted to crawl for several weeks and decided his first crawl would be when gramma D. visited when he was 8 months and 1 week old.

Ocean Beach

First time in the sand