Max turned three!
Stats: 3ft 4in, (95%) 36lbs (75%). He grew 4 inches and gained 6lbs since last year.
He's started a lot of new things this year.
Potty trained (90%)
He started preschool at Miraloma Nursery School in June. He goes M W F from 1-5pm
Swim lessons - can swim under water with fins and goggles (for 3ft.)
He plays with friends instead of just by them. (Zachary Jett Miles Alex Arlo Parker & Cruz)
Can put on underwear and pants (usually backwards)
Still sleeps in crib but side panel is off
He likes to sing
Can color but not draw
Can spell MAX
Started imaginative play - likes to rescue cats from trees, play ëmergency"- fire and ambulence, etc
Jig saw puzzles - can do a 60 piece by himself
Can go across 3 rings (like monkey bars)
He is excellent on his razor scooter
Slides down fire poles (at the park)
Quit napping regularily at 2.5. He naps about every 4th day if he's driven in the car.
Out of the high chair and booster (2.5)
For almost 6 months Max played almost exclusively with matchbox cars at home. Before that it was trains. He just recently got more interested in jigsaw puzzles and playing games like Memory and Connect 4. (with disregard for the rules). He also enjoys painting and coloring for short periods and still enjoys reading. We go to the library every couple weeks and check out about 15 books at a time. He likes to help water plants, bake muffins, sweep, rake, and hike (when he can lead). He loves preschool but has been sent to the "principals office" twice already for not following directions. When I pick him up from school he usually volunteers to tell me what he's done to get in trouble. Ï pushed a baby Mama". He loves to play with other kids but if they aren't interested he seeks negative attention like throwing sand or pushing. His swim instructor often has to tell him several times to do something before he will follow directions. Time to lay down the law. He's getting much more fun to take out on ädventures. He loves the Discovery Museum (Sausalito), the Zoo, razor scootering with mom and dad, Santa Cruz, the beach, the library and any park with dada.
Arlo |
Emily |
Zachary |
Matt & Charlotte |
Elliott & Arlo |
Jody & Lucy Fox |
Lucy Jessica Steph & Parker |
Z |
Amy & Imogen |
Shari & Jody |
Jessica & Parker |
Charlotte Matt Amy & Emily |
Elliott & Zachary |
Steph & Lucy |
Zachary Elliott Arlo & Becky |