Monday, March 7, 2011

Dear Max,
You're getting so big, we can't believe how quickly you've grown!

You got your first two teeth just before you turned 5 months another two came through at 6 months.
You started rice cereal at 5 months and were a good eater from the start.  Squash, carrots and chicken and rice are your favorites so far.  You much prefer savory over sweet but you like pears.  You are now eating solids 3 times a day which includes rice cereal, a vegetable and a fruit.  Once in awhile we give you a little bread or cereal as you love to chew.  You now want to eat what we are and show frustration when you don't get what we have.  You're learning how to drink from a sippy cup but would rather chew on it than drink.  We give you little sips of water through a straw.  At restaurants you enjoy sitting in a high chair as you love that you're a big boy and can do what we're doing.

As an infant you were a good sleeper and by 2 months were only waking us twice a night to eat. You slept in a pac and play by our bed.  At 4 months we started sleeping you in your stroller when you got your first cold and got into a bad habit of waking every hour or so to be rocked.  That was hard on all of us so we started "sleep training" you at 5 months.  It only took you two nights to learn how to sleep from 7:30pm to 7am with just one feeding in between.  You are such a great sleeper and enjoy your bedtime routine.  You nurse, then take a bath, read a story and go down in your crib without any crying.

Your friend Edie B.

Swinging at the park
Just started sleeping on your side
Swim lessons

Play group

shopping with "dada"