Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Gramma Letty and Grandpa Dick Visit SF

backyard tour
Google - bring your parents to work day
Trip to Tahoe
Bus to Bart to Train to Rental Car
6 hour train ride to Truckee
mini golf
2 hour Lake Tahoe boat tour
Max's first time solo

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Alt School 2015-2016

First Day!  September 1, 2015

New Update for Max Cavelie 
9-4-15 · Jamie Spatt
Max is fond of the building materials in the classroom. He likes to build both with friends and alone. He spent quite some time trying to get this semi-sphere to balance 'just so'. 

 New Update for Max Cavelie
Max examines mushrooms with a friend and tries to draw their shapes with gills!
Max likes to build with math puzzles and blocks. 

New Update for Max Cavelie
Max is a happy and flexible student who responds well to redirection and suggestions by teachers for activities to 'try out'. We can see Max putting himself out there to try things that at first seem challenging, with some encouragement. Max is well liked and respected by peers and knows how and when to ask for assistance from teachers. He is cooperative and seems to enjoy school and playing with friends in open ended times. 
Below is Max participating in a zones of regulation SEL charades game. Working on a letter puzzle with Bryce. And two samples of art he has worked on in the past week. Max shows the capacity to really attend to details and focused work with encouragement from teachers. 
Building Max's stamina for writing and sustained seated tasks is a goal we are striving towards. He can tend to get fatigued when asked to write letters and short words, but independently asks for his hand writing notebook to practice.

New Update for Max Cavelie
Max is an easy going, regular participator in activities at school. He is well liked by peers and can navigate multiple groupings of students at work. He can tend to be quiet and take a sideline approach to start. Encouraging Max to take initiative and practice stepping out of his comfort zone will be a focus going forward. Max gets picked by Leo to play a special game he brought from home at game time. 
Max builds data based on his like/dislike graph. He wonders "Do you like stoplights?"
Max meets a special friend at the park!
Max observes a mine-craft mushroom building video then attempts to build one with legos.
Max designs a pipe to carry mentos to a coke bottle in Esprit Park.
New Update for Max Cavelie
Max really enjoys math activities today and tries out each one staying motivated in each! hands on and building style math speak to him. He measures his shoes, builds a structure with exactly 12 blocks, sorts objects from shortest to tallest, and carefully completes each task before moving on.
Max shares his treasure box with the group and fields questions and comments after. Lots of children make connections to his items and he seems to take pride in this experience! 

Week 1 was Electric!: Squishy Circuits, Throwies, and Makey Makey
9-17-15 · Dogpatch Maker Lab TK-1 · Kristin Uhlemeyer
Max joined a Maker's lab after school one day a week