Monday, August 20, 2012

Max's 2nd Birthday

I can't believe Max turned two already.  He is very active and wants to do everything himself these days, or at least try.

Stats:  3ft tall (93%), 30lbs (65%)

He can...
sort shapes
do puzzles - he can place all the letters in his alphabet puzzle
identify primary colors
eat with a fork and spoon
drink out of a real cup or glass (usually without spilling)
run, gallop, hop, jump, somersault and hang from a bar
climb ladders (at the park)
identify animals and body parts
blow bubbles under water
dribble a soccer ball
turn the tv on and off
open the refrigerator and help himself
brush his teeth
tell us he needs his diaper changed
He's got about 30-40 words but we're still waiting for sentences

He's really into any type of transportation.  His train table and hot wheels occupy much of his time at home when he's not looking at books.  He prefers pointing at the pictures while you name them over being read the actual story.  His favorite books are The Little Blue Truck Leads the way, Good Night Construction Site and anything by Richard Scarry especially Cars and Trucks and Things that go.  (His "Dada's"favorite childhood book).  He's also starting to enjoy "coloring"with markers.  He doesn't quite know what to do with playdo yet as he doesn't like it sticking to his fingers.  He uses chalk outside but again wants you to wipe it off his hands.
At the park he loves to be chased, climb ladders, dig in the sand, slide, swing, ride his fire engine, play with his friend Conor, and run down hills at top speed.  He's starting to play with children a little at the park, usually if they are a little older.  He loves to kick and throw sand, sometimes at others but he's generally easy to redirect. He prefers to push the stroller over riding.  He's sitting longer and quieter at restaurants so we can usually enjoy a meal out as a family.  He eats his breakfast in a high chair but is starting to insist on sitting next to us at the table for other meals.  He helps water the plants and is learning to "be gentle"to the plants.  He loves to look at pictures and videos of us on our phones or the computer.  His favorite TV shows are Super Why, Bob the Builder, Fireman Sam, certain episodes of Sesame Street, and Yo Gabba Gabba.